>>500640>why are you so fat?>stop being fat.this is the typical view of america for most Europeans and Asians
Clearly you've never been there and have a very closed view of what America is like
I've driven through or flown over at least 40 states and actually visited around 20
Sure there are fat people, alot even
Sure there are people who though Toronto was our capital
Yes some were surprised that it was colder in Tennessee in August than is was back in southern Ontario
I've seen shanty coal towns in the Carolinas , and the towering skyscrapers of New York
I've eaten fast food and food that was far better (and a hell of alot cheaper) than stuff I've eaten in France, Spain and Germany
America is a big fucking place and it's got a whole lotta stuff
Some is shit but some is great
and the only dumbass around here is you for having such jealous tunnel-vision
TLDR: fuck off you ignorant cunt