>>5008511>Total CrimesIt's that high because smoking weed in your home or even jaywalking an empty road is considered a crime. Also, they need crimes to be high for a reason I'll explain later.
>RapeThe toxic masculinity that infected our culture has caused this to be so high. That, and the fact that some people can get away with rape of their own damn toddler daughters if they have the money.
>CO2 emissionsCoal companies backing corrupt politicians so they still get relied on in the 21st fucking century, even though it's a dying industry that has been on the decline since the 60's.
>Divorce RateLaw firms make buttloads of cash over rich divorced couples.
>Teen birth rateEven in this day and age, Sex Ed is still a controversy in the US in the eyes of helicopter parents. Teens will always bang one another behind your back no matter what, it's better to teach them how to use condoms and birth control than let them do it raw.
>Heart attackHealthy food getting more expensive, junk food getting cheaper by the day, and a lack of universal healthcare is the reason this is such a big problem.
>McDonald'sEh, it's self-explanatory.
>Plastic surgeryHollywood's imposement of faux-beauty standards is why it's so big. In retrospect, plastic surgery isn't wrong at all if you're fixing something about yourself, like a crooked nose. Sadly, these surgeries went from being helpful to profitable.
>PrisonersIn America, prisons are basically an evolution of the slavery we had in the land before the abolition, especially if they're private prisons. The prisoners get used as cheap labor to make clothing, machinery, weaponry, and many other things while being cramped in humid cramped dirty cells as if they were slaughterhouse animals.
You heard of the prisoners who extinguish wildfires in places like California? Despite those guys having years of experience putting out fires, they can't apply as firefighters because they're listed as former felons. The country's broken.