>>5012051076:21:37 McCandless: Apollo 11, Apollo 11, this is Houston. How do you read?
076:21:43 Armstrong: Reading you loud and clear, Houston. How us?
076:21:46 McCandless: Roger. Reading you the same, now. Could you repeat your burn status report? We copied the residuals and burn time, and that was about it. Send the whole thing again, please.
076:21:56 Collins: It was like - it was like perfect!
076:22:00 Armstrong: Delta-TIG zero, burn time 5:57, PAD values on the angles, VGX minus 0.1, VGY minus 0.1, VGZ plus 0.1, no trim, minus 6.8 on Delta-VC, fuel was 38.8, ox 39.0, plus 50 on balance, and we ran an increase on the PUGS. Noun 44 showed us in a 60.9 by 169.9.
076:22:35 McCandless: Roger. We copy your burn status report. And the spacecraft is looking good to us on telemetry.
076:22:47 Armstrong: Roger. Everything looks good up here.