The arume have invaded earth. You are with the resistance now, and must work with your team to defeat them. This game’s outcome will be based off of how effective your rolls are, and how smart you can be. Not all actions will require rolls. Rolls will be rolled from the arume discord server. I will use a bot to roll, or you can roll yourself. The server link will be below. Dubs is considered the highest roll. The rolls are dependant on the situation though. For example if you are facing an army of arume up front with no cover. a 98 or dubs is not going to save you. So be smart with your actions. This is the same for the lower rolls. So they won’t be counted for menial actions. If you are talking to another player in the game then your roll will have no effect, they only have effect when you are talking with an npc. If you die in the game you cannot respawn till next thread, and you will have to choose a new character to play with and start over. This is so you don’t do stupid shit.
Quoted By:
Arume discord server
https://discord dot gg/bzMexRr
start off from where you left off last thread. Master
Quoted By:
The Ten Commandments of Arume 1. I am the lord, your OP. If you be a faggot i’m ignoring your post. 2. Thou shalt not make yourself an image in the form of anything in reddit above or on tumblr beneath or in the facebook below. Thou shalt not bow down to them or go on them. 3. Thou shalt not misuse the name of the Lord your OP while he is writing; for the OP will not hold him guiltless for pinging him for dumb shit 4. Remember and honour frog, henry gabber, and all the other old niggas. 5. Honour thy OP and thy waifu 6. Thou shalt not murder another player for no reason, or for a stupid reason 7. Thou shalt not kill, or hurt other players’ waifus 8. Love thy waifu with all thy heart 9. Thou shalt not give false testimony against the OP. 10. Thou shalt not cheat on your waifu, you fucking degenerate
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 22:30:13 No. 5011798 Report >>5011775 >JUST wake me up Jim Black
John Halton
Punished Anon
>>5011775 >Go with 12 men from the group to go through the recently conquered Arume base, looting anything valuable, killing off armed survivors, and taking prisoner unarmed ones John Halton
Quoted By:
>>5011803 >>5011775 >just clean the subway and push in Jack Ward
>>5011798 83
you manage to get back to cover safely and toss a grenade down there. you don't actually know how many you killed but you hear a couple of screams. the thing is, last time you checked down there, they were already backing off because of the lmg fire. so it does not do as much damage as you hoped it would do, but it still manages to kill the ones that were closer to the entrance.
you also notice literally everyone else throw shit down there too, and also hear some people getting killed from that, but then again not as much as it would have if halton didn't send them to go back deeper into the subway.
>>5011801 47
you toss your incendiary grenade down there, and it only really looks like it killed one person, because of two things. one you got shit in the face, so you were late to get there compared to everyone else since you had to get up. and two the enemies were already backing up deeper into the subway thanks to the machine gun fire from halton.
>>5011803 65
you go down there firing on them as they go deeper into the subway. then a flash bang comes as you are walking down, but the roof is low enough so it does not effect you. you see a bunch of arume running away blinded, and are able to pick off 4 or 5 of them.
>>5011807 53
you guys go in there, but there's about 3 or 4 arume left inside, and they are shooting at you guys from inside. but none of your men get it yet.
>>5011819 (i forgot what you were doing last thread, was it that you got the tank and left?)
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 22:34:04 No. 5011853 Report >look around
John Halton
>>5011848 >Push in, leave no hostages behind. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 22:35:31 No. 5011888 Report >>5011848 >Get up >Advance shooting any arume i can find with my squad Jack Ward
>>5011848 (yep, got tank, brought to camp, after having killed the last of them)
Jim Black
>>5011848 >Move further in KSG ready to shoot. Punished Anon
>>5011848 >sneak into the base and kill all the Arumes from inside Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 22:39:20 No. 5011919 Report >A W A K E
>>5011853 you just see halton with his lmg going in the subway like an autist. there's no more enemies on the surface, they all retreated into the subway.
>>5011882 21
you go in there and push in by yourself with your lmg. however there's many arume down there still and most are behind cover already, or moving to cover. unfortunately your gun can't shoot all of them at once, and your no tank that you can just walk in, so they start firing back and you get shot in the shoulder and bicep. luckily your lmg fire does provide you with a little cover at least so that's all the damage you take. you also see a few of them running from cover to cover trying to find the key.
>>5011888 63
you can't get up, you can only crawl after being shot up so bad. the arume are deep within the subway now and most are behind cover. you see a few of them running about from cover to cover, trying to find the key.
>>5011898 the leader of the town is very happy with what you did for them.
"is there anything we can do to repay you? we don't have much, but you've done us a good service..."
he goes to shake your hand.
>>5011910 42
you move further in, they do not shoot at you, and only halton. you can see a few arume running from cover to cover trying to find the key. most of them are behind pillars and stuff.
>>5011914 dubs
you sneak in there while the arume are distracted from shooting at your men, and then silently take them out one by one easily. they are all dead, and your men come in.
>>5011919 (last thread)
you toss a flashbang in there which actually does blind them pretty good, and actually prevents them from getting pretty far from the grenades.
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 22:44:21 No. 5011974 Report >>5011959 >Get some bandages and patch myself up >Try to get up and go inside,shoot any arume that appears and any innocent bystander Jack Ward
>>5011959 Well, I'd say we could use the town as a ground base, but I'd have to check with the boss first.
>shake his hand but either way, no worries man.
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 22:45:29 No. 5011983 Report >>5011959 >Trying to push to the B by doing voilence Jim Black
>>5011959 >Throw another incendiary grenade where they're clustered the closest, and fire upon them when they try to reposition. John Halton
>>5011959 >COMEFORTHCOWARD.JPG >I keep tanking the hits, but i slowly make my way back to the outside while firing at the arume that i can shoot at. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 22:46:32 No. 5012002 Report >>5011959 >Walk into the subway with muh gun Master
>>5011974 you get some bandages and patch up whatever you can. but it just stops your bleeding. you can't walk still. there's a dozen arume in the subway, all in defensive positions holding you guys back.
you see halton backing off before taking too much hits.
the arume don't spot you and are just firing at halton because of his lmg.
>>5011982 "a ground base? could be useful..."
a airship lands near the town to pick you up.
"looks like your ride is here, godspeed."
>>5011983 57
you try to push forward through the subway tunnel, the arume are focused on halton with his lmg so you manage to get in without taking hits. you try to fire on whoever but miss everything since they are in defensive positions.
you also see arthas on the ground injured, trying to get up.
>>5011974 >>5011994 56
you throw the incendiary grenade and three arume run out of that pillar and you manage to kill two of them with your ksg.
you also notice arthas near you wounded and he tries to get up but can't because of injuries.
>>5012000 8
you go backwards to get back outside, but the arume manage to land some more shots on you that seem more fatal this time. you get shot in the chest, shoulder, and stomach. but you do manage to get outside still and to cover.
lucy is outside and tries to treat your wounds.
"what are you guys doing?"
>>5012002 you go in the subway and see your leader on the ground trying to get up from being all shot up.
>>5011974 you also see jim and dimitri in there firing at the arume in defensive positions.
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 22:58:46 No. 5012129 Report >>5012112 >Try to do some combat healing moves and try to fix my broken bones or anything to make it possible for me to walk again >Ignore the pain and try to get to cover Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 22:59:16 No. 5012131 Report >>5012112 >Actually try to be useful and protect arthas while Shooting arume Jack Ward
>>5012112 Well, see you! and good luck down here, don't think your boys need it to be effective, from what I've seen, but it's nice to have.
>board the ship and wave goodbye Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 23:02:00 No. 5012156 Report >>5012112 >Get under cover as close to Arthas as possible and begin firing on the Arume. Jim Black
>>5012112 >Cover Arthas as he tries to heal himself "Yo, Chiyako! Help Arthas!"
John Halton
>>5012112 >I reload and i peek to see how many arume are still in the subway 'We are trying to push back these cowards'
>>5012129 18
there's nothing wrong with your bones, they're not broken. if too much damage is done to muscle tissue it's extremely hard to move that limb, and in this case your muscle tissue is all shot up.
you do manage ignore some of the pain though and crawl towards one of the pillars. chiyako drags you the rest of the way to the pillar, and dimitri, mo and jim protected you as you crawled to cover so you don't take any hits either.
chiyako: "what's the plan now leader?"
>>5012131 82
you manage to cover for arthas as he crawls to cover. he is now safe and doesn't take any hits thanks to you guys. you however are now being shot at since halton just left the tunnel, they have focused their shooting on you guys. you don't get hit yet though, and may have a chance to dodge and run to cover now since you rolled high.
>>5012159 56
chiyako: "on it!"
she rushes over and drags him to the closest pillar for cover.
you dimitri, and mo cover arthas so he doesn't take any hits from the arume.
but now that halton has left the subway, they have focused their shooting on you guys instead. the arume start to fire on your location and dimitri's.
>>5012156 92
you manage to hit on of the arume running from cover to cover killing her as you cover for arthas. arthas gets dragged to safety and now their fire shifts on you guys since halton just left the subway. they focus mostly on jim and dimitri though and not you since you rolled high, and decided to get into cover.
>>5012161 43
you peek in and see there's about 10 or 11 left in there, and they all have taken defensive positions, except a couple of them.
lucy: "you guys'll get yourselves killed!"
she finishes patching you up.
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 23:12:49 No. 5012254 Report >>5012233 ''Patch me up and i'll tell you the rest later''
''Give me an adrenalin shot,i need to get back up on my feet in no time''
>>5012140 "goodbye!"
you board the ship with some of the men and take off.
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 23:13:04 No. 5012256 Report >>5012233 >Dodge and throw FLASHBANG Jack Ward
>>5012255 >sit down, and breathe. John Halton
>>5012233 >I start to exchange some shots while i still hold my ground. 'It's not suicide if you die for something'
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 23:15:59 No. 5012276 Report >>5012233 >look away from the flashbang, shoot again once it's done. Master
>>5012254 "are you kidding? you can't move in this condition... not even with an adrenaline shot... i'll try and patch you up still..."
she patches up whatever she can.
>>5012256 15
you try and dodge their shots but a bullet grazes your arm and you throw the flashbang. half of them are flashed now and will be for a good amount of time.
>>5012268 you sit down on the airship and it takes off to the main base.
you arrive to the main base, and jeremy gigglebert is there to meet you at the vehicle bay.
jeremy: "jack ward! long time no see... how was the mission?"
>>5012271 47
lucy stares at you blankly
"you want us to charge in there where they have defensive positions set up, and also outnumber us by a large margin?"
you exchange some shots but it does nothing.
>>5012276 you look away from the flashbang and fire back, you kill another one of them as they are flashed. however the flash wont last for long, and has only affected about half of them.
Jim Black
>>5012233 >>5012233 "Ah fuck."
>Make sure I'm in cover and throw two more incendiary grenade at there positions Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 23:23:35 No. 5012328 Report Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 23:24:07 No. 5012333 Report >>5012318 >Throw a grenade towards the filthy kuffar while they're still blinded. Jack Ward
>>5012318 "it was good, if a little chaotic, but that's the way I like things. we even got a tank out of it!"
"I need a drink..."
>go get coffee. John Halton
>>5012318 >Throw my c4's to those arume, try to damage mainly their covers. Master
>>5012324 23
you throw two more and set some of them on fire. also since they are flashed, some of htem don't know what's happening. a few of them run out of cover.
>>5012328 17
you are behind cover now, thanks to the flashbang, and jimbo's incendiary grenades.
>>5012333 95
you kill three of them and injure one of them. with the grenade, it puts a lot of damage on one of the pillars, so less cover.
>>5012342 59
you manage to completely take down on of their pillars leaving some of them exposed around the rubble.
>>5012338 jeremy gives you pic related
"i missed you..." he says, and then just walks away like nothing.
you go to one of the coffee machines and get some coffee from there.
its okay coffee, not bad, not good.
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 23:34:59 No. 5012409 Report >>5012395 >Exchange some shots Jack Ward
>>5012395 >take a seat, drink coffee, and wait for something to come up. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 23:36:57 No. 5012419 Report >>5012395 "Pick me up and carry me,I'll cover your approach and we'll pick them one by one"
>Get my rifle and wait for her to pick me up Jim Black
>>5012395 "Got ya bitches."
>Shoot at them while they flail around. John Halton
>>5012395 >Leave my cover and start to clean up the subway for my teamates. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 23:38:39 No. 5012431 Report >>5012395 "الله أكبر"
>Reload and begin shooting at them again. Master
>>5012409 89 you exchange some shots with them while in cover and manage to get a lucky kill on one of them.
>>5012415 you sit down and have a sort of vision as you sip your coffee. you see a beach, with clean clear water, girls in bikinis, and all that. then a voice says in your head the words "beach episode." and you snap out of it.
lt. john sits at the table with you
"you okay? looks like you're in deep thought..."
>>5012419 60
chiyako: "alright, hop on then."
she puts you on her back undercover.
"on the count of three, i'm gonna run to that pillar that's across from us... ready, one, two!, THREE!"
>>5012420 68
you manage to shoot and kill one of them, and injure another. the flashbang from dimitri is worn off now.
>>5012425 73
you go back inside with your lmg and spray down whatever you can. you do provide good cover for your teammates, and prevent them from getting hit, but the thing is not as accurate, and they are also behind cover in defensive positions so it does miss.
>>5012431 dubs
you reload your gun and manage to actually shoot one of them in the head as they peek out slowly. she dies.
>>5012409 >>5012415 >>5012420 >>5012425 >>5012431 after you guys finish your actions, you hear one of the arume yell.
"we've got the key! move out!"
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Fri 04 May 2018 23:50:18 No. 5012501 Report >>5012492 >Unload my gun at the arumes Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:pLUiNNuz Fri 04 May 2018 23:51:25 No. 5012514 Report >>5012492 >Push forwards, fire at any Arume i see. Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Fri 04 May 2018 23:51:31 No. 5012516 Report >>5012492 "Good yes"
>Take Out the sniper and try to snipe them. John Halton
>>5012492 >Keep cleaning up and push forward. Jim Black
>>5012492 >Lock and load. >Rush them and don't let any escape. Jack Ward
>>5012492 not really jhon, just trying to take a breather
>hear the words jump up, grab gun and try not to freak out "who was that."
>>5012501 59
chiyako runs out when she says three, and you unload your gun on them. you manage to kill one of them and actually injure another. what had happened was that as chiyako ran out they also ran out to get deeper into the tunnel, so it was easy for you to shoot them, but as soon as they left, a huge explosion happened around where they were and the roof came down blocking your guys's path from going to them. but even then you still manage to shoot some since it took sometime for the explosion.
>>5012514 36
you go and push forward, you notice that the arume are actually running away from you guys now after getting out of cover. but as soon as you go to shoot them, and explosion goes off, and the roof comes down from the explosion. you miss them, and actually get hit with some of the rubble that came down.
>>5012516 79
you quickly take out your sniper and try to snipe one of them. you manage to actually kill one, because they started running in the opposite direction, but as soon as that happens, a huge explosions goes off where they were and it brings the roof down blocking you guys from them. but luckily you still managed to shoot one down.
>>5012518 43
you push in, and you actually see that they ran out of cover and ran backwards deeper into the subway. but as soon as you go to shoot them, an explosion happens where they were, and brings the roof down, you actually get hit by some of the rubble, but it isn't too fatal, since you were outside before and were coming in, so you were still far away. but you see ahead of you mo and jim also got hit by the rubble, but it is a lot more than yours.
>>5012533 87
you rush forward and manage to kill one of them because they actually ran out of cover, and started running in the opposite direction away from the subway. in that timeframe you manage to shoot one of them dead, but as soon as you do a huge explosion happens near where they were, and it brings the roof down. you see mo beside you get hit by some of the rubble, and then some falls on you too. you both go down.
>>5012547 "huh? are you feeling alright?... i was gonna ask you to fly ahead with us to a beach location to make sure its safe and all for the base to land, restock, and refuel... but it looks like you're a bit burned out..."
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 00:06:21 No. 5012754 Report >>5012620 ''GO AROUND IT''
>Reload my weapon >Shoot any arume that appears on my sight Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 00:07:38 No. 5012774 Report >>5012620 "Oh god..."
>Try to rush and kill Jack Ward
>>5012624 well, sure I guess. shouldn't be too stressful...
>drink coffee more. Jim Black
>>5012624 "I'm not done yet..."
>Crawl out and continue trying to chase them. John Halton
>>5012620 >Shake off the rubble and try to spot the arume and kill them. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 00:10:25 No. 5012803 Report >>5012620 >Crawl over the rubble and look for the Arume. Master
>>5012754 there's no way to go around it, the explosion blocked off the tunnel on all sides. the explosions were well placed around the place as they set up defensive positions. there is however a very small opening at the top. chiyako then puts you down to help jim out of the rubble.
"jimbo! stay strong i'm coming to get you out!"
>>5012774 you go to rush, and as your rush into the falling rubble, one of the blocks hits your head, and you go unconscious.
he slaps your back.
"come to the usual spot at the vehicle bay when you're ready, don't forget to stock up on whatever weapons you need."
he walks away and mutters "i'm gonna need some swimming trunks for the beach episode..."
>>5012782 2
you try to crawl out but as you crawl out and remove the rubble from on top of you, that causes more rubble to fall down on you injuring you even more.
you hear chiyako yell "jimbo! stay strong i'm coming to get you out!"
>>5012789 you can't spot any arume since the explosion covered all sides except a small opening on the top. it seems that while they were playing defensively, they were also strategically placing bombs in places so they could cover their escape.
>>5012803 6
you try to crawl over the rubble but there is a fair amount of it on top of you, as you remove some more falls on you, injuring you more.
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 00:19:39 No. 5012865 Report >>5012859 >Stay on the ground,focus on my wounds Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 00:20:48 No. 5012872 Report >>5012859 "Fuck!"
>Try to dig myself out. Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 00:21:19 No. 5012878 Report >>5012859 >Be unconscious in russian John Halton
>>5012859 >Start to pick up the others who are still stuck in the rubble. Jim Black
>>5012859 >Keep struggling to get out Jack Ward
>>5012859 >I grab a gun, a lisence to fuck about, and decide to check on some people first... >go to the lab ayo, I've just come to see how you're doing on the arume gun... got it working yet?
>>5012865 your wounds are already bandaged up by yourself and chiyako.
gregory comes from the radio.
"arthas? do you read me? arthas are you there?"
>>5012872 dubs
with your willpower and a bit of luck you manage to finally dig yourself out.
you see chiyako, an arume in your squad trying to dig out this nigga
>>5012897 then you see this nigga
>>5012878 sleeping on the ground, with blood coming out of his head.
>>5012878 you be unconscious in russian. you have a dream about your past life before you lost your memories, since you got hit in the head.
you can decide what it is since its your character's backstory n shit.
>>5012890 you see mo already dragged himself out of there by himself, but jimbo still needs help. and you also see dimitri, this nigga
>>5012872 sleeping with blood pouring out of his head.
you help jim since you said help people stuck in the rubble.
you and chiyako manage to dig him out.
>>5012897 3
you keep injuring yourself, as you remove a block from your head some more comes down, and makes a huge cut near your eye and eyebrow. you go unconscious.
>>5012916 (i actually forgot about an arume gun... can telll me what happened again?)
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 00:33:52 No. 5013004 Report >>5012978 >Wake up to my granddad in russia teaching me how to use gunz John Halton
>>5012978 >Place some c4 in the rubble and blow it up. Hoping that it can clear up a bit the pathing. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 00:35:16 No. 5013022 Report >>5012978 >Try to help in dragging out the others. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 00:35:18 No. 5013023 Report >>5012978 ''Yes i am,the mission is a failure,Requesting evac at the nearest landing zone''
''Sorry for this one greg,they were just too many''
Jim Black
>>5012978 >Fuck. Explore dream land. Jack Ward
>>5012978 (the one that they couldn't get working a handful of threads ago?)
Jack Ward
>>5013029 >>5012916 (scratch this shit, go ask boss about a base down there)
>>5013004 52
everything is blurry you don't really remember it that well, but the images are still there.
>>5013008 97
the c4 actually does blow the rubble away and you can see the arume in the distance running away.
>>5013022 you help in dragging jim's body out the rest of the way. everyone is safe now except dimitri who is unconscious and bleeding.
>>5013023 greg: "what?! we can still send in back up? can you stall them? have they gotten far?"
>>5013025 everything is black around you. you can't see anything, not even your limbs. but you feel something on your head, you're laying down on something. a pillow of some sort.
you then wake up, you are laying down on chiyako's thighs.
>>5013078 you go ask gregory who is sitting at his desk all worried looking.
"heh? what do you want?"
he smokes his cigar nervously.
Quoted By:
>>5013025 >>5013112 i forgot to say, "like pic related"
Jim Black
>>5013112 "Hmm? Have I've finally reached heaven?"
>get comfortable Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 00:49:11 No. 5013141 Report >>5013112 "Oy gramps, how do I use your double Negev again?
John Halton
>>5013112 >I throw away my LMG and i start to sprint to their position while i shoot at them with my revolver, try to get not too close so they don't damage me. Anonymous
>>5013112 "Everyone is too wounded for that greg,I'm sorry for letting you down,I'm really sorry"
>To chyako "Im sorry,but he's gone,sorry for all of that"
Jack Ward
>>5013112 Well, remember the small base I was sent to take out for a town? after the valuable loot I got, I think we've got a shot at making a ground base down there!
why are you so nervous anyway?
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 00:52:24 No. 5013174 Report >>5013112 "Does anyone here have some bandages? I've got some bullet wounds and some rubble ones"
>>5013133 "oh no... you must've hit your head hard..."
she starts stroking your head slowly, and you get comfortable.
>>5013141 he slaps you upside the head.
"no negev for you boy... first learn to shoot small gun, then big gun. okay?"
the smack to the head makes you dizzy and you wake up. you have a cut on your head.
>>5013143 87
you start sprinting to their location with revolver in hand, it seems they are pretty far away. they try to fire at you but miss.
>>5013151 greg's voice goes soft "it's okay kid... you tried your best... come home now boy, there's some good news for you, i'm sure it'll brighten up your day..."
>>5013174 one of the npc teammates, chiyako, tosses you some bandages.
"here, those are my last ones..."
>>5013155 "it's a team i sent out, they were supposed to retrieve something but it looks like the failed... but anyway that's good news about the base and all... we'll send some weapons, vehicles, and men down there..."
>>5013174 >>5013151 >>5013141 >>5013133 as you guys finish your actions, you notices halton used his c4 to make a big ass explosion, which clears the rubble. he then starts running towards the arume, and you can actually see the arume running in the distance.
chiyako: "w-we may still have a shot!"
John Halton
>>5013227 "COME FORTH, COWARDS!"
>I keep sprinting to their position, and i keep shooting at them Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 01:01:09 No. 5013250 Report >>5013227 ".... ...... ...fuck what is Happening"
>Try to stand up Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 01:01:14 No. 5013251 Report >>5013227 ''Not right now greg,it's not the time''
>To Chiyako ''No,we are all terribly wounded and can barely last against a mere patrol,i'm calling the chopper to the evac zone,i'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about it''
>Try to stand up Jim Black
>>5013227 "I did? That sucks....guess the Arume are probably getting away."
Jack Ward
>>5013227 Ah, I see... be seeing you sir.
>politely leave and head to the vheicle bay, normal place. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 01:05:10 No. 5013282 Report >>5013227 >Bandage myself, then begin running towards the Arume. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 01:07:31 No. 5013303 Report Quoted By:
>>5013282 ''Private,this is an order,fall back''
>>5013248 63
you keep sprinting to their positions and shooting at them. you do get a little closer to them, but they are still pretty far away. you guys both miss your shots.
>>5013250 >>5013251 >>5013282 dimitri stands up after being unconscious, he still looks a little out of it.
mo bandages himself up very quickly and runs towards the arume chasing them with halton.
arthas: ''No,we are all terribly wounded and can barely last against a mere patrol,i'm calling the chopper to the evac zone,i'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about it''
chiyako: "sorry mister leader, but that is one order i can't follow..."
she quickly gets up, and jim hits head on the ground since he was resting on her.
she runs to arthas and picks him up.
"i'll run! you shoot!"
she starts running towards the arume.
"jimbo! dimitri! try and find a way to flank them or something! or just help us chase them!"
>>5013265 >>5013381 forgot to add this post to the thing
>>5013273 you go to the place and get into the airship.
john: "ready to leave?"
Jack Ward
>>5013430 yeah, I'm ready.
John Halton
>>5013381 >Focus more in running at their position, count how many are running and if they are armed. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:Lj937Qkx Sat 05 May 2018 01:14:28 No. 5013459 Report >>5013381 ''LOOK LADY YOU DON'T GIVE THE ORDERS HERE THIS IS AN ORDER,FALL BACK TO THE EVAC ZONE''
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 01:14:33 No. 5013460 Report >>5013381 "Got it.... I think"
>Push Forward and try to find a Sniper spot Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 01:15:02 No. 5013467 Report >>5013381 >Cover Halton, fire at the ones that are close enough. Jim Black
>>5013381 "AHH FUCK MY HEAD!"
>Get up and try to flank or some shit. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:1dXsR2hS Sat 05 May 2018 01:22:18 No. 5013500 Report Quoted By:
>>5013437 john: "good..."
he mutters to himself "beach episode here i come..."
there's about 4 other guys in the squad with you
john: "alright lads listen up, we're heading down to mexico, there's a beach there where we'll land the main base, and allow it to resupply and refuel there... but our job is to go ahead and make sure its safe for them, meaning taking out any arume, and anything else that stands in our way... any questions?"
>>5013441 there's 3 left from what you can tell. you are about 100 meters away from them now.
you also notice one of them get shot in the arse, with a sniper. she falls.
>>5013459 chiyako: "AH FUCK IT!"
she just drops you and you hurt your arse
she starts walking back to jim to gather everyone up.
>>5013489 chiyako: "leave it jimbo... there's no need for us to continue if the resistance will give up, but an arume loyalist wont, even when helping the resistance..."
>>5013460 85
you snipe one of the arume's arse. she falls down.
>>5013467 4 you miss your shots and your injuries are starting to catch up to you. you are unable to run that fast, just a slow jog.
Jack Ward
>>5013518 Are we allowed to use high explosives?
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around
Edgelord the Edgyiest Edgemaster around ID:GDy5hXFB Sat 05 May 2018 01:28:41 No. 5013533 Report >>5013518 >Uncontrollable laughter and more sniping Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:1dXsR2hS Sat 05 May 2018 01:29:40 No. 5013542 Report >>5013518 "Yeah and we could've all end up dead including for your love right here,is that what you would've wanted?"
>Crawl my way back to the evac zone Jim Black
>>5013518 "We'll get em next time, hun."
>Retreat. Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 01:30:39 No. 5013549 Report >>5013518 >Keep going as fast as i can, Get under cover if i get close to the Arume. John Halton
>>5013518 >Keep running and keep shooting Master
>>5013528 "uhhh, i guess... just don't blow up too many buildings, we might be able to use them later..."
>>5013533 13
you miss, and it looks like the cut a corner. you have no vision of them, and they are very far away now.
>>5013542 >>5013546 arthas: "Yeah and we could've all end up dead including for your love right here,is that what you would've wanted?"
arthas then tries to crawl his way back.
chiyako: "what? w-what love? you make no sense... failure is not acceptable where i come from..."
jim: "We'll get em next time, hun."
chiyako: "...what's a hun? is that like a partner?"
you guys and chiyako, and lucy go back to the evac zone alone. the rest are still pursuing the arume despite being ordered not to.
>>5013549 29 and 87
you both keep running after the arume. halton is infront and mo in the back. mo is getting slower because of his injuries but doesn't give up.
mo is about 150 meters away, and halton is about 80 meters away.
halton shoots one of them in the high and she starts limping.
then the arume cut a corner towards the left and aren't visible anymore.
Quoted By:
>>5013551 >>5013712 last post includes halton too
John Halton
>>5013549 "Stay behind me, it might be a trap"
>>5013712 >Keep following those arume with Revolver in hand. Lt. Tiberius "Jim" Black
>>5013712 "A nickname a dude gives a girl he likes."
>Wait for evac. Jack Ward
>>5013712 fair enough.
>plan to blow up shit. Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:1dXsR2hS Sat 05 May 2018 02:02:17 No. 5013751 Report >>5013712 >>5013726 >Radio halton "This is an order to fall back,retreat or you will be left behind"
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 02:02:28 No. 5013753 Report >>5013712 >keep going, stick to the wall >>5013726 "Understood"
John Halton
Quoted By:
>>5013751 "Leave me behind, i'll catch up later."
>>5013726 you cut the corner to the left, and come up to a trap. looks like they set up the checkpoint before hand, there's like 6 arume there with guns pointed at you.
"don't move an inch... halton..."
the voice is familiar, but you don't recognize who it is, because she wears a helmet that covers her face.
>>5013732 "oh?"
she blushes a little
"what does a girl call a guy that she likes then?"
she take out two cigs
you guys wait near the subway for the airship.
>>5013736 the airship flies over there to the beach. it is 9pm and dark out. the airship lands on the road near the beach.
"we'll split up in groups of two and look around... if you encounter any enemies and aren't spotted don't try anything, radio in first..."
everyone gets into teams
"jack, you take this new guy... he's a bit green, but there's no one better to show him the ropes..."
he grabs some scrawny guy.
scrawny guy: "n-name's Jeffrey..."
>>5013751 you radio him.
>>5013753 you follow behind halton and he turns the corner. he suddenly stops and you hear the words
"don't move an inch... halton..."
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:1dXsR2hS Sat 05 May 2018 02:11:08 No. 5013828 Report >>5013816 "AH FUCK IT,NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND"
>Try to get back on my feet and try to go to halton location "AAAAAAAA THIS HURTS BAD"
Jack Ward
>>5013816 Hey jeffery, names jack. you ready to do this?
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 02:13:31 No. 5013850 Report >>5013816 >Peek through the edge of the wall, grab a smoke grenade. Lt. Tiberius "Jim" Black
>>5013816 "Anything you want."
.Smile smugly, give her a kiss, and take a cig.
Bolvar Halton
>>5013816 >This planning and the coincidences are sounding to someone. Most likely she will have someone else hiding. "How did hell treated you?"
>I say to the helmet arume, buying some time Master
>>5013828 49
you actually get on your feet now, since you are so determined, but you walk very slow.
chiyako: "hey, what's going on? i thought we were retreating..."
>>5013845 "Y-YES SIR!"
john smacks him upside the head.
"what are you doing?! stop yelling! if there are any arume around here they might've heard that!"
jeffrey: "SO-i mean sorry sir..."
>>5013850 you peak and you see about 6 arume with weapon pointed at halton. you grab a smoke grenade real quick.
>>5013858 she gets a bit taken back when you kiss her, but by the look on her face she enjoyed it.
"i'm gonna call you... my darling..."
>darling in the franxx intensifies she puts the cig in her mouth and lights it. then lights yours with her own cig like gif related.
>>5013862 "it was great... after all, we've both made a deal with the devil haven't we? it's where we belong..."
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil
Lieutenant Arthas Menethil ID:1dXsR2hS Sat 05 May 2018 02:25:35 No. 5013921 Report >>5013900 >Rangers lead the way intensifies >Run as fast as i can to halton while holding my rifle Lt. Tiberius "Jim" Black
>>5013900 "Oi one more thing. How bad am I bleeding right now?"
>Take a deep puff Jack Ward
>>5013900 alright, lets go then.
>take jeff and start scouting. Bolvar Halton
>>5013900 >begonethot.jpg > >I try to look casual as possible and i place my hands near of the revolvers, but very slow "So, what are you going to do with me next?"
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha.
Muhammad Ali Kemal Pasha. ID:XvsQYHOU Sat 05 May 2018 02:29:14 No. 5013954 Report >>5013900 >Throw the smoke canister in front of the Arume and prepare for J I H A D Master
>>5013921 24
you try to run but you can't you can only limp. lucy helps you but making you put your arm around her. you proceed there faster because of her.
>>5013931 "relax, relax... i took care of your bleeding already... that new scar is gonna look pretty cure too."
she looks over at arthas going in the opposite direction
"looks like he's going back in for more... wanna go for one more round?"
>>5013943 you two go out scouting in the buildings for a while, until you come across what looks like to be some sort of arume convoy travelling somewhere.
>>5013947 >>5013954 28 and 2
halton slowly puts his hand on his pistol and that makes the arume aware of what's going to happen next. the smoke then is thrown which triggers the arume to shoot. they fire their bullets through the smoke at halton.
the end