>>170634031>I dont get why you people expect cats to behave as dogs, they werent breed for that, they were breed to be autonomus hunting machine.I know, i said i don´t expect them to act as dogs. I´m just saying a cat is a domesticated animal which is not really domesticated. So it´s a different type of pet entirely. That will tell just fuck off somewhere and you don´t know where it is and come and slap a mouse on your face. going
>look what i did, look what i got you! Nice huh? *purrr* The point is just that a dog is extreme loyalty and unconditional love basically, still having their own personality but extremely loyal and caring, and this is why it makes excellent companion that is very easy to deal with. Whereas a cat you need to give it some space, cause it´s his own thing entirely. Dog wants to go everywhere with you and is like a constant cheerleader. You can come home drunk and dishevelled at 3 o´clock in the morning and it´s like.
>DUDE. YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME.. i love you right now.>no you, you are awesome! >NO YOU! you are the awesome one here buddy!Cat is more like
>dude fuck off will you, trying to do my thing here, if you don´t fuck off i´ll fucking go somewhere else.Just different type of pet entirely. I´m not knocking any pet really.