>>5029368>>170637832In fact we're closer genetically to Bulgarians and Serbians than Hungarians. Make sense - Hungarians mixed much more with Germanic and Northern Slavs, while us with South Slavs, plus the ancient Thracian substrata, plus 20 migratory hordes almost all driving south towards Rome and Byzantium
As per Romanian as a term, was already in internal use circa 1500 as per documents of foreign travelers, I doubt someone invented it at a time so is much older. Absolutely zero interest at the time to push the Latin thing. It was the term used to refer to ourselves, similar how Hungarians call themselves Magyars. External nations called us Vlachs / Olahi / Valachi, as you said.
The thing with "fake-latin" is a Hungarian interwar meme, was indeed a movement of latinization and homogenization of language, but I can guarantee we got rid of so many regionalisms nobody could place, with older or different than slavic roots. I know quite a few of them, the young ones don't. Many are Latin or arguably Dacic. Slavic words stayed because the religion service was in Slavonic language for a long time (think arabic for muslims who do not understand arabic) and people use them even today, and others were day to day words which also we still use.
From French (and German) we took new words, neologisms, did not replaced old words. Do you think the illiterate peasant of 1850 started to speak fancy because rich fagots used French words and pushed the Latin thing to offset the magyarisation going on in Transylvania? Absurd.
Any native speaking Romanian with an IQ higher than a cabbage can tell you the equivalent of modern French words, even few of them equivalents if not some modern gizmo.
>>5029264As long as they hate turks and muslims in general I do not care, at this point.