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British "people" are Subhumans

No.5041520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a Polish man that has lived in England for 3 months now and this godforsaken place is by far the ugliest and smelliest shithole i've ever been to.
I'll start off by talking about the physical appearance of this country.
Literally ANYWHERE you look you'll see gray. The buildings are gray, the ground is gray, the sky is gray, even the people are either gray or brown.
It looks like Eastern Europe during commie times even though this is supposedly an advanced, western country. I honestly think I need to get glasses because of the damage this heap of shit of a country did to my eyesight.

Now I will talk about the people.
British "people" have got to be some of the ugliest, most obnoxious brutes to roam this earth.
They think they are superior to everyone else even though they funnily enough look like stereotypical Slavs. Men have funny round angry looking potatoheads, and they're all manlets.

The women are something you would see in a horror movie. I will never get them out of my mind. I have only seen THREE English women who didn't look like inbred monkeys and they were probably Irish (superior version of the Anglo).
However, they were still a thousand times better than Anglo men so out of mercy I did fuck a few of them with my big slavic cock. They love all kinds of foreigner cock, especially slav and black.

I am leaving this abomination tomorrow and i'm glad to say i'm never going back. After my time here out of all the questions I have, the main one is how the FUCK did England have so many famous scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, etc? How did they beat all the major European powers to form the biggest empire in the world? Where are the descendants of these people? I didn't see one English person that was worthy of even sniffing my shit.