Quoted By:
"The politically ambitious Julius Caesar recognized the power of the Jews, which stemmed from one incontrovertible fact
Rome was made up of many opposing political groups and sects.
In order to win, the politician needed the support of one group which would stick by him steadfastly, and thus influence other
groups to support him. Just as in our present-day democracies, this group was the Jews. They would guarantee their support to
any politician who in turn would do what they asked.
When Caesar discovered this simple truth, he sought out the Jews, and won their support. On page 8 of "Jews of Ancient Rome", Leon says,
"The Jews in the 'Populares', the liberal-democratic or people's party, supported Caesar and he issued verdicts in their favor."
Things have not changed much in two thousand years.
With the Jews behind him, Caesar soon became the dictator of Rome and the unchallenged ruler of the world. Alarmed by his
increasing subservience to the Jews, a group of loyal Senators, led by Brutus, a former friend of Caesar's in his pre-Jewish period,
resolved to assassinate him. On page 9, Leon says, "In return for the support which he had received from the Jews, Caesar showed them his favor conspicuously, and his decrees
in their behalf, which, fortunately, were recorded by them from compulsory military service, allowed them to send shipments of gold."
Thus we find that Caesar made the Jews a privileged group who were above the laws of Rome. The traffic, in gold between
nations was the cornerstone of Jewish international power two thousand years ago, just as it is today. It was carried on under
the guise of being a "religious" occupation, and if we understand that the religion of the Jews was and is gold, this was an accurate
description. The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was still the headquarters of Jehovah. Several Roman Senators tried to ban the traffic in gold,
only to be overthrown by Jewish power.