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Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)16:58:21 No.5116529
>>5116534 >>5116536 >>5116558Is it true americans wear shoes inside? That's pretty disgusting. Why are amerimongrels so gross?
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)16:59:32 No.5116530
no /thread fpbp inb4 can't
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:00:00 No.5116531
thats pretty nasty, have some class
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:00:41 No.5116532
Depends on where I am and how I feel. Sometimes
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:01:17 No.5116533
hedidit.jpg (52 KB, 500x522) google yandex iqdb wait
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we don't do that, you leaf faggot.
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:01:37 No.5116534
>>5116529 (OP)Is it true foreigners enjoy smelling people's sweaty sock feet?
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:01:48 No.5116535
Yeah I wear shoes all the time. Who cares? My cleaning lady mops twice a week.
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:01:55 No.5116536
>>5116529 (OP)I thought it was weird because my family takes their shoes off but then I grew up and realized WTF PEOPLE WEAR THEIR FUCKING SHOES INSIDE?? THE SAME SHOES THEY WALK THROUGH DOG SHIT IN??? WTF
Anonymous 05/13/18(Sun)17:02:19 No.5116537
Nice to know that Europeans stink up their house with sock stench. Shoo shoo stinky euros.
Anonymous (ID: TxV5D40Q) 05/13/18(Sun)17:06:14 No.5116558
>>5116529 (OP)no we fucking don't lol
go fuck a dog nigger
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