Just like any human advancement, it isnt perfect. The car is necessary for humanity, but thousands die yearly.We still need cars.
Vaccination is like that. It saves many thousands of lives and has eradicated dangerous diseases and illnesses from the modern world. However, there is always a small percentage of those who will suffer from either an allergy to a vaccination, or the contents wherein. There is a system that provides government relief for that small number in place.
However, people are paranoid, hysterical and distrust science.They would rather trust the word of untrained ideologues with personal stories to tell, rather than the discomforting truth of a scientist telling them that nothing is perfect, and hoping for perfection is meaningless. But of course, the same people who avoid vaccines jump into cars, board airplanes, use cellphones and eat GMO food.
People are stupid.
People WANT to believe that there's major conspiracies going on, that it affects them directly and personally, and that -they- can see the truth, againts a vast conspiracy. They want to believe they're special and
important.To support that, they'll ignore evidence againts their beliefs and hold up evidence that proves theirs- even if it's faulty, and flawed.
Yay for the human condition.