[7 / 3 / ?]
Despacito despa cito des pa cito des pacito despacito des pacito despacito despa cito. Despa cito des pacito despa cito. Despa cito des pa cito des pacito des pa cito despacito despacito despa cito, despa cito des pa cito despactio despactio despactio dab desu.
¡Viva /bant/!
Ranas = >>>/r/eddit >>>/b/ >>>/s4s/
Japonmaricones = >>>/a/ >>>/c/ >>>/d/ >>>/e/ >>>/h/ >>>/m/ >>>/u/ >>>/w/ >>>/i/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/s4s/ >>>/cm/ >>>/hm/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/y/ >>>/cgl/ >>>/co/ >>>/jp/ >>>/po/ >>>/vp/
English Translation =
This is a message from your excellency El Caudillo De /bant/ the animefags and the frogs are no longer welcome on our board. They need to go to their own boards. This is what's best. Also when we get rid of all this anime and frog shit we won't look like trash therefore /pol/ will stop using us as >>>/trash/. Think sheeple.
Long live /bant/!
Froges = >>>/r/eddit >>>/b/
Animefags = >>>/a/ >>>/c/ >>>/d/ >>>/e/ >>>/h/ >>>/m/ >>>/u/ >>>/w/ >>>/i/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/s4s/ >>>/cm/ >>>/hm/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/y/ >>>/cgl/ >>>/co/ >>>/jp/ >>>/po/ >>>/vp/
>inb4 omfg that is insanely based and redpilled you're an inspiration to us all here on /bant/ you're the best based and redpilled overlord we could ever get mi excellencia, oh mi generalissimo please fuck my ass over and over again; it'd be an honour
>>5157705 fellow based and redpilled Spaniard
¡Viva /bant/!
Ranas = >>>/r/eddit >>>/b/ >>>/s4s/
Japonmaricones = >>>/a/ >>>/c/ >>>/d/ >>>/e/ >>>/h/ >>>/m/ >>>/u/ >>>/w/ >>>/i/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/s4s/ >>>/cm/ >>>/hm/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/y/ >>>/cgl/ >>>/co/ >>>/jp/ >>>/po/ >>>/vp/
English Translation =
This is a message from your excellency El Caudillo De /bant/ the animefags and the frogs are no longer welcome on our board. They need to go to their own boards. This is what's best. Also when we get rid of all this anime and frog shit we won't look like trash therefore /pol/ will stop using us as >>>/trash/. Think sheeple.
Long live /bant/!
Froges = >>>/r/eddit >>>/b/
Animefags = >>>/a/ >>>/c/ >>>/d/ >>>/e/ >>>/h/ >>>/m/ >>>/u/ >>>/w/ >>>/i/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/s4s/ >>>/cm/ >>>/hm/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/y/ >>>/cgl/ >>>/co/ >>>/jp/ >>>/po/ >>>/vp/
>inb4 omfg that is insanely based and redpilled you're an inspiration to us all here on /bant/ you're the best based and redpilled overlord we could ever get mi excellencia, oh mi generalissimo please fuck my ass over and over again; it'd be an honour
>>5157705 fellow based and redpilled Spaniard