Modern "memes" are fucking garbage. Total shit, designed to be gobbled up by barely cognizant shit eaters with a 5 second attention span looking for any inane garbage that even tangentially relates to their absence of a life, usually more about their product choices than a real lifestyle, meant to give a chuckle or put them on some sort of red vs blue teams mentality or fill their head with even more trivia that has fuckall to do with anything.
I mean sure, I can recognize some projecting here, and when 4chan does it to. But you know wherein the difference lies? At least there was some sincerity in creation here at one point, at least for the stuff that really made a lasting impact. Those threads you contributed in a small way to, the subtle nods in a meme to it's community as a banner to that moment in time, the fun of watching something you helped make spread and just the fact that the group you spend time with has fun with some root in reality still. It wasn't made just for the sake of creation, to be consumed and shit out a year later. Incidentally, this is why i think older material here seems to be so persistent and even overshadow newer stuff, because of that mentality userbase shift as we're all slowly brought down to the lowest common denominator of normgroids with net access and free time.
Where the fuck am i going with this messy tangent? Fuck if i know, but next time you think of creating or modifying or even saving the next epic "maymay" just think for a goddamn moment: Does this have fuckall to do with anything with me or my circle?