Just because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...
Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.
In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.
This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.
http://unicef.in/PressReleases/13/Take-Poo-to-the-Loo-the-New-Youth-Mantra-against-open-defecation-has-people-marching-to-the-tune-of-India-s-First-Poo-Songhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rN7l513qkY [Embed]