>>5179146Yeah, that was just tear No.1 though. Read
>>5179180 for the fracture. Also fun fact; fracture is a misnomer, rupture is the correct term. Nothing breaks like a bone, it is more like the popping of a balloon. The worst ruptures are double ruptures, which if you imagine your penis as two long balloons side by side with a urethra running through the middle, means both balloons pop. Ultra bad and it can damage or even sever your urethra. I *just* had a single rupture and a damaged urethra, so I got off relatively lightly. It hurt like absolute buggery, you can't even begin to imagine the sensation of the initial pop. After that it felt like breaking a bone, it went numb, hot and swollen and the pain didn't really return for a couple hours when the adrenaline had worn off. The scar on my penis is some frankenstein shit, which I'd show if I was somewhere I could take a pic