^ Op Reduces his entire genetic legacy and reason for even existing to "skin pigmentation" because he hasn't been taught basic biological facts about human evolution and biodiversity due to it bursting the bubble of egalitarianism. He has also been indoctrinated from a very young age in school by shock propaganda, holocaust images and KKK hangings, so now he'd rather give away the nation his forebears fought and died for over countless years of strife, than commit a fabricated postmodern infraction called "racism". Despite the fact 99% of his ancestors were "racist" too before hook nosed academics from Frankfurt told them it was bad in the 1960s.
He took up atheism in school because nobody taught him why equitable relationships between Man and Wife were more valuable to society than two faggots fucking each up the ass and spreading aids and HIV. But he loves "individualism" and denounces basic evolutionary survival behaviours like tribalism because having responsibility for something other than himself would be too much effort and small minded, and is the source of the holocaust. Collectivism is bad despite the fact each classical liberal principle he holds dear was designed by Straight White male Christian Racists for Other Straight White Male Christian Racists in a Pan European ethnostate by people who also owned negroes as subhuman slaves.
To cope with his crippling cognitive dissonance he shill-posts on /pol/ frequently due to his previous board /leftypol/ basically being deserted. To achieve the stimulation and dopamine rushes he doesn't get in real life, he fights "nazis" from his keyboard by posting threads defending miscegenation, and claims mixed race people "is superior" to anon while at the same denying any difference between races. All the while ignoring the fact that the intellectual mind behind his worldview as openly admitted in a desire to destroy the unique genetic characteristics of his entire people out of jealously.
TL;DR OP is a faggot.