>>5185254It's to do with being cute. Cute tends to play on the side of looking and acting youthful with the perk of being a customized taste. It's why cute girls will always beat hot looking girls. Longer self life and less competition, lesser chance of being a boring bitch. And of course Asians have soft features to begin with. Making the men look feminine, adding to that the general asian culture is to work their boys like a sweat shop just before christmas morning. Crippling their confidence and upping the pettiness.
Western Culture does not have this. Hammering out more stable guys. It could be debated all day long the pros and cons of each. From the looks of it myself the Western culture has the opposite effect. As Men are more stable, western women covet this, making them unstable like the cat that thinks itself a race horse. Adopting male mannerisms. Yes like anyplace you can find attractive girls. But in the west on par with other cultures. You might as well be talking to a unstable man with tits. Boiling it all down to
>West: More take charge men, more confused women with mixed looks>East: More provider orientated men, confused but more feminine women with common core cute>Result: Western women getting the boot. Eastern Men crumpling like foam cups or adopting western behavior to women.I am well aware of grey areas in terms of individuality. This is just my opinion on the matter. You don't need to understand women. Just challenge them and know they are disposable.