I we are to have a stable, peaceful society, there will have to be changes to the sexual marketplace, which is THE MOST important market in the world, and is never talked about in a PRAGMATIC manner. Patriarachy makes society possible, as it basically is a form of sexual socialism, whereby giving most males a stake in the society. The current laws + (((cultural terraforming))) have created a shit hole for men to navigate. There is not currently parity. And I say this as a guy who as been a big beneficiary of the current sexual marketplace. Too many women competing for a very small sliver of the male populace. Too many delusional women who think that, because chad fucked them one night while drunk, they are going to get chads forever. Too many chads without discretion, fucking way below their league because it’s easy and available. It all adds up to bitter cat ladies, bitter betas, a few happy chads (while young), and a lot of single parent households. Feminism was a mistake.