It's phony misdirection that spies and financiers engaged in espionage hid behind going back to the 16th century, and potentially earlier. Think, John Dee, spymaster to Queen Elizabeth and, err, court magician. His code language was just that, code. Alchemy was a way to cover up scientific discovery, etc. The Kabbalah and the Hermetic were attacks on Rome, the latter definitively being linked to the de' Medici family of crypto-jew bankers, as a figment of their creation. Given the similar history to the Zohar's manuscript's founding to that of the Corpus Hermeticism (which was conveniently delivered from Byzantium to agents of Lorenzo de' Medici instead of, well, kings or the pope or anyone, oh and the ancient manuscript doesn't exist. hmm). The Zohar similarly, found in Spain based on ancient manuscript no one has ever seen, and popularized by shills running projects. These occult ideas were a way to attack the church, but also acted to sell new religions.
They eventually evolved into things like Aleister Crowley's OTO nonsense, Theosophy, the New Age of Aquarius, and really, the alien stuff is a new religious cult, too. They're trying to merge religion and politics now to no avail, or well, the dogma is sticking, but not the theocratic programming.
The idea that the elites are reptilians is a psyop to keep you cowering in fear and manic, which in turn, makes you shop more. Go out and buy a bunch of guns and survivalist equipment btw, never research who owns those companies :p
Also not saying it's all fake. These folks sort of believe this mystery religion stuff, but it's a big LARP. Secret societies originally tried to develop sciences in the shadows from the church, but were all infiltrated early on and their purposes changed. over the years, who fucking knows. Yeah, the knights templar and all that play into the elite ruling dynastic hegemony over the centuries. Nothing esoteric there, this story is about gold.