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Make Torture great again

No.5196620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone else hate the turn of events in white society as I do? Everything is going to shit publicly and now the group of friends I've had since middle school who I've made countless nigger jokes with, 2 married niggers and the rest listen to rap and have got over or accepted the blackening...but not me. It infuriates me. Bad. I find myself daydreaming about the day I would march into the black neighborhood in my town and gun down those whooping niggers and race traitors, but that's all it will be is a daydream-- unless something dramatic happens. Imagine if the power, internet, fiat currencies and all the other luxuries that make us civilised disappeared over night and rule of the land came through excessive force, could you do it? Could you revert back to the lifestyle of those in medieval or Roman period where public torture was a common thing? Lets say society collapses, you join a militia to instill law and order again and after a bloody battle against an enemy who had raped and killed the town over from you, your commanding officer tells you to break the limbs of the POWs and crucify then after, could you do it? If you were ordered to flat a men alive, could/ would you? If you counter attacked and begin raiding the enemies town, would you rape and pillage your enemies? I've thought about this for a very long time and came to the conclusion that I would fucking love it. I spend most of my time watching torture videos to learn of the best methods of inflicting pain to fulfill my larping fantasy, but then again who knows I might already be to soft to do those. Either way, could any of you do something extreme like torture? Like legit excruciating pain? You may say white people shouldn't do it, but when we did, we owned the whole fucking world. Sorry for the vent.