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!Raffiei.HA ID:pgPvt42H No.5204003 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from being moderately shit to overwhelmingly shit, and frankly, I blame Troid for being an obsessive little brony faggot, nana for smelling like mountain dew and cheeto dust, and Abib for being kinda based but just sitting back and letting it all happen. Because of you three mods, good posters from /bant/ are being pushed away for good. I don't mind a few /pol/tards here and there, but with your irrational childish moderation and your egomanic powertripping, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters. I'd tell you to sort your shit or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post. I only wanted to share my mind on this subject, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a damn.