I am sick and tired of being told to go back to /r/eddit.
That place is cancer, I can’t believe I’ve wasted so many years of my life there, so many hours spent trying to have genuine conversation with people who only exist to agree with each other.
Of course, I once was one of them at one time not so long ago.
But I’ve changed, I no longer see things the way that we were told to.
That being said, I’m still not one of those crazy gun nuts or vapid racists that you see everywhere else on the internet.
I believe that everyone has the same capacity to do what’s right.
And I want nothing more than to have a based interracial couple have the ability to defend themselves against those racist bigots out there.
There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing people getting along.
So I long for a day when people like you and me, who share the same ideals of freedom and liberty, can stand up and fight to end this reign of hatred and bigotry.
Only then can we usher in a new age of peace.
Peace that knows no borders, no religion, no skin color, and no sexuality.
With the destruction of race and religion, we will have the ability to progress as a whole.
Nobody, anywhere, will be left behind.
When we can gather all of humanity on an equal plane, we can then proceed together, for a better tomorrow.