[13 / 2 / ?]
ITT: We disscuss about other boards and their users on 4chan
I feel like making a few comment about /mu/
/mu/ is filled with narcissistic, insecure and stockholm syndrome suffering people.
>This albums is on /mu/'s picks, I don't like it but it will get better after a few listens
>No no no, my music it's the most artsy
>Entrylevelfag Neutral milk man fag radiotard you should listed to some objectively good shit
What about you?
>Inb4 everyone complains about /pol/
I feel like making a few comment about /mu/
/mu/ is filled with narcissistic, insecure and stockholm syndrome suffering people.
>This albums is on /mu/'s picks, I don't like it but it will get better after a few listens
>No no no, my music it's the most artsy
>Entrylevelfag Neutral milk man fag radiotard you should listed to some objectively good shit
What about you?
>Inb4 everyone complains about /pol/