>>5258301Pretty much this.
Feminism makes women into sub-par men. They start making more money, yet can't mentally shelter the responsibility that comes with making more. Thus they are miserable as they come to realize that being a man is tough. Which is why even though they are starting to overtake men they still want more help and handouts.
It also turns men into sub-par women. With nothing in terms of upward mobility, no family stability, or even the promise of raising and caring for your own since being with a woman is becoming more and more disadvantageous. Men are becoming reclusive and "lazy". We are constantly attacked for doing what women have been doing for ages, being dependant on others and/or being content with our lot in life, thus we don't strive for enrichment and betterment as men before did. Why would you work your ass off for years only to get taken to the cleaners not only by your "wife" but the government as well? Only to see your children feed the same lies they feed your woman, thus ending with them hating you. So we stay out and just play vidya and shitpost on /pol/.
Funny that as women become more and more depressed, men are becoming more and more happy. Gee, it's like doing just enough to pay for basics and hobbies makes you happy, like doing the bare minimum keeps you satisfied.
Women gave up those empty seats on easy modo and bitch when we take the only seats open.