>>5280863Their /pol/ was having a meltdown because the BO is a faggot. He created a shit ton of annoying filters, banned over 20% of the board's userbase (bans ranging from 4 weeks to permanent), and allowed spam to overtake the board.
Ron made a post on 8/pol/ regarding the issue and got banned with a satirical message redirecting him towards 8gag's FAQs (see :
/pol/tards bombarded /sudo/ with complaints and I decided this was the perfect opportunity to put the tripcode to good use so I made this post :
https://8gag.net/sudo/res/78796.htmlNot too long afterwards, I post on /bant/ celebrating it. The post was simply "8gag took the bait" (see :
https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/5270996/#5270996) but aya posted using the tripcode and they caught us red-handed.
The only part I'm upset about is that my cover was blown before I could get them to open the ghostbin.