>>5279131She has to play jew sometimes for christ sake, she's a jew.
I was shocked i tell you shocked she was posting about the rich jew mogals on elons post tonight.
I think there a probably quite a few younger jews now that want nothing to do with ZOG ship sinking now that the goyim literally know.
But still she knows about the pit thing and mike posted that because he probably was drunk again. He aint a troll or propagandist hes trying to be a social journalist (sic) and make money. He should leave the propaganda war to the semi-pros.
My question is where does loomer stand on white Identity in general. Is she a silverman super kike, no she is not, but I don't know how to ask "noncombantant" jews directly where they stand on white genocide. It has to be asked that way too.
Burned jews that are kicked outside the jew clique like her can be great or the worst yentas of all, and If a jew deflects at all on the white genocide question that means they support and are ZOG. If they say the are against white genocide they are probably ok because they aren't playing ball with their team. We sure wont get Ivanka to admit or say anything since she went to Jared, and he has to be ZOG.
Anyway loomer and other "friendly" jews need to be put to the direct question. If they admit genocide they are forever out of team kike, they cannot walk into temple and may as well become Christians.
Why did she post that her pit picture is an important question. Was she trolling or being a kike. The pitpatrol should ask. Goose or antiwhite racism dog should bark at her pit pucture till she answers.