>>5279598He made that post after his mainstream career ended when his show got cancelled, so he wasn't protecting anything, key point here:
"In these articles they are trying to take a comedy show that was made with the help of black people, Jews, women, gay people, etc. and paint it as "Nazi propaganda". The connections they make are ridiculous, and I could spend a few pages refuting ideas like saying the name "David Duke" as a joke somehow makes me responsible for some anonymous commenter calling the author of the article a racial slur, but I shouldn't have to.
We do comedy for everyone, we love this country, and we don't hate anyone (except journalists). Eric Andre was never asked by The Atlantic to defend his "Everybody Hates Kikes" joke, nor should he be--it was a funny joke, and in the realm of comedy, if something is funny, that supercedes the feelings of some special snowflake who doesn't get the joke. Comedy has the power to relieve racial tension and heal divisions and that's one of the best things about it. We make fun of everyone on our show, including and especially white people. I mean what the fuck, it's just crazy they're even trying to rekindle this debate."
Sam in reality is just some right-of-center lolbertarian that hates the media, that larps as a Nazi/Racist in his comedy because that's the audience he caters to and supports him. You just imagining him as being a secret anti-semite because he's pulled the wool over your eyes, like he has done to most of his fans.