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aryan vs semitic spirit

ID:5x0ryKga No.5313100 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
look at california there you have the hard work of 400 years destroyed by the semitic spirit
90%of mexican tier underclass with a 10% of smart upper class under the jewish control
they are making the world a much worse place to live
the diference between aryan and semitic spirit is that while aryan conquer they spread a better quality of live and putt ourself as the mirror that other should imitate if their want to be succesfull ,in other words ryse to the top if you are valid
semitic race however want a the lowest common denominator and put blacks as the mirror we all should imitate except thenself.

aryan dont fear the competition they lead the world without fear while semitic spirit is fearfull of their own power and only want a degraded race of slaves to form the world