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ID:P3V07FjD No.5349998 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be criminal in europe
>Break into house
>kill father
>Rape and kill mother
>kill son
>Rape and kill daughter
>kill family dog
>be me
>be criminal in USA
>Break into house
>get shot by father
>get shot by mother
>get shot by son
>get shot by daughter
>get shot by family dog
>get shot by spider in the corner of the room
>neighbor comes over and shoots my dead body
>Cops are called they come and shoot my dead body
>be me
>be criminal in Russia
>break into house
>get jumped by six gopniks and a bear.
>be me
>be criminal in Afghanistan
>Break into stone shack
>die in U.S.A.F airstrike
>be me
>be criminal in japan
>break into a single house
>steal shit and leave
>become haunted by spirits of ancestors
>end up killing myself for being VARRY DISHONORABRU!
>some faggot youtuber in a gay green hat records my body in a forrest.
>be me
>be criminal in Australia
>break into house
>home owner throws a boomerang at my gravity belt
>it breaks
>he laughs as a fall into outer space.