>>5358229It’s fine man I’ve had people be much worse with that shit. I like warm weather too but when it’s so fucking hot I can’t sleep I tend to like it a bit lesss.
Might throw up actually. Made myself so improvised vodka and orange juice by downing a bottle of vodka and a carton of orange juice after and I don’t know if it’s that or the three bananas I added on top of it but I don’t feel so great. Might fuck off now and try to sleep this shit off because I need to wake up at human times on Monday.
>>5358258I feel you man I make little meme drawings but it seems I have absolutely no talent in anything I try. At least it runs in the family, all my siblings are failures too.
I drew a picture of an anime man on a white board instead of actually doing shit for the exam I had the next day so enjoy