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ID:ZnCcARx0 No.5392287 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anime is a psy-op made by Reddit to destroy the reputation of 4chan and therefore its immense political power. Don't believe me? Then come with on a journey down this rabbithole. But I am warning you, THERE IS NO TURNING BACK.

There are a few things that I know are going through your head right now. Let me address them.

"But 4chan was founded as an anime message board". How quaint. But were you there? Of course not. You'll say you were of course, because that is EXACTLY WHAT REDDIT WANTED ALL ALONG.

Ever noticed how, since the inception of this website, the idea of a "newfag" has been pervasive. Everyone calls each other a newfag, newfags are constantly derided. This is no accident. This is all part of the ROC (Reddit Occupied Chan) conspiracy. It is exactly what THEY wanted you to do. Force everyone to lie about when they joined so no one could ever get to the truth - 4chan was made in 2007, 2 YEARS AFTER REDDIT.

Reddit wanted to destroy its competition, but it couldn't do it on fair terms. So it turned to what Reddit does best - subversion. Reddit sent animeposters by the thousands to 4chan to paint the entire user base as pathetic white men sat in their parents basements jerking off to cartoons and supporting right-wing governments. We saw the result of this in much of the rhetoric used in the 2016 election. Notice how 4chan was derided because of anime? That was the plan all along. And look at Reddit now, by all measures it is ascending far beyond anything that 4chan could have imagined. This is all because of anime.