>>5407265>>5407744So this is actually true but you see, you can't compare the sexual features of two different species, or even more important, an invertebrate and a vertebrate. You can't also try to understand animal behaviour using a human scheme, that's just ridiculous and anthropocentrist. And you can't also expect to validate human behaviour based on animals, at least not always.
All the examples of metabolic disorders and genetic anomalies might be true but anyways citation is required when you say such things as ''x protein is lacking because this z gene expression is not normal''.
So there you have it, science is proving that behaviour and even physical appearence can be modified by an abnormal genome or an abnormal metabolism but science is never saying there are more genders or you can switch magically to other gender just because of 1 variation, even today it's hard to define what makes a male a male and a female a female apart from the reproductive systems or the hormonal differences.
Science is backing up the fact that you can be different and that anomalies play a huge role in how people think about themselves and their own identity but that doesn't imply there are more genders, at least not for now.
In my opinion we can recognize everyone as individuals that are unique but not special, they deserve respect and they deserve a peaceful life just because they are humans. Don't try to force something because that will be just trash, i believe everyone deserves respect not privileges.