>>5417641Unfortunately it is, but you just got to keep going, it'll be hard, and frankly life doesn't care about you or me, it will beat you, torture you, laugh, and spit on you, but you can't let that bitch win, we care when life does not, we need to care for each other, we need to be strong, and keep going for each other, despite differences. At the very least you have to keep trudging on, no matter how perverted it gets, no matter how many times it tries to contaminate you, you CAN'T let the little shit get the slightest bit of power over you, because once it does, it'll grind it into your heart like a lit cigar.
Men and Women before you have fought for the most basic of necessity, and so you must do the same, alone or in numbers, but your heart must be righteous, your purpose meant, and your actions as true as your words.
Look at the heroes of our time, the John Coey (The Fightin Doc), Ben. L. Saloman, Lachhiman Gurung, and the little fellas like Smokey the Yorkie, Sgt Stubby the Pug, and so forth. Learn from these men, woman, children and animals, even living can give you insight to fighting.