>>5421541you are getting confused m8. you are all about addictions that you almost can think only in terms of them. Addiction is something that gives you quick kicks but drags you down and destroys you over time. If you just do something that makes you happy its certainly not addiction. Its actually quite enjoyable and it doesnt fuck you up.
Here is a food for thought for you. If you really want to kys, then at least try for some time to find some reason to live. Some hobby, friends, family, job....whatever. Because if your whole life was suffering and you want to go, it doesnt change much if you stay here a bit longer. In the worst case you lose nothig and can kys in peace, if the best case you will find reason to live that will make you happy and you will stay here living happy life.
In any case if you are absolutely serious about KYSing, dont go to psychologist. They are trained professionals and will find out if youre serious. They they will lock you up on suicide watch and pump you with anti depressants. you will end up literal vegetable in a psych ward