>>5423635>Well I don't really care.Likewise that's why I'm not anonymous. I'm comfortable enough with myself to do what I want here and anywhere else regardless of what people think of me.
>I would personally find it disgusting but people are different.I personally find it disgusting too but that's not why I posted it. I'd hoped that someone would look at it and think "damn....Normie is a complete troglodyte and yet he's obviously still doing all that normie shit I wish I could be doing like having a life, wife and kids....maybe I can too. Maybe it's not the world that is wrong maybe it's me." and then go out and actually do it.
It's not that I don't accept that there's absolutely abhorrent people that would get sexual satisfaction from a picture of my daughter but I also can't stop them. In the end what anons do with these pictures I post is their own business. Doesn't mean I don't still find them morally reprehensible.
One day I'll inspire someone here to let go of their notions of them needing to be a certain thing to be happy in life and that's all I've ever wanted.
I want anons to look at themselves and realize they can have it all if they really want it but they have to be okay with themselves first.