>>5437394First we would elect a state president and new government, claim all current US DoD facilities and military equipment as our own. Then I work to make a treaty with Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana to create a free trade zone in the mountain west and a security and cooperation agreement to further strengthen our resources and industries and security from surrounding states that may develop hostile intentions. I would create a border wall between my state and CA (mandatory) and block and severely screen immigration from CA and Mexico. I would be willing to open free trade with the Mexican state of Sonora, but not mass immigration in return I would ask for access to sea ports in the Sea of Cortes and then via my previous trade agreements with fellow mountains states, open a port for our goods to be shipped to Asian and Oceania nations. I would work to enter into an agreement with the brotherly peoples of Australia to ensure international trade between our coalition and Australia and New Zealand.