>>5450557Through years of conditioning and subliminal programming in educational institutions, television, internet, hollywood, magazines you have accepted the(round)world as a reality. You are blind followed a faith without checking ever because you get distracted anywhere, without the suspicion of fraud and having no interest in the truth. I am concerned that are categorized by the mainstream press in the realm of conspiracy theories with controversial issues for several years. Did you that the term conspiracy theorists a battle cry is launched by the CIA in order to suppress information? Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories”… and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych”–short for “psychological operations” or disinformation–and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.The first time I heard of the Flat Earth in 2015 in the spring. A certain user alleged NASA and other institutions would be pleased kidding and lie after line and thread. The space program would be falsified, the moon landing did not take place and the earth is no ball. They were flat and covered with a kind of envelope firmament. At first I thought that would be the most absurd and craziest that I had ever heard. How is that supposed to lie to be so many people at the same time such a thing possible?And why? But I could still very hard for me to imagine let me in on a little thought experiment and thought that I had this information that are declared as reality never verified as an adult. A bit queasy was me because I realized that this manipulation works so well because no one is counting on and it starts so early and is integrated into our lives.
That was the beginning of a wonderful journey in search of truth of our history and our place we call earth.