>>54875801/3 the cost? More like 1/8 the cost.
Daughter wanted to be a nurse but went for her Associates degree in CC, cost her roughly 15K for two years. Went online and got her BSN (RN and BSN are exactly the same except for one year of coursework that’s not labs/residency) for 3K.
Niece went to a state school for the exact same degree, walked away saddled with 65K in debt.
It’s unbelievable how much of a ripoff a state school can be, especially for things like gen eds that are almost always transferable, and lets you get your feet in the water.
Most HSs do a woeful job preparing kids for college, yet are pumping kids into the system at a rate of about 85%. You’d think they were getting kickbacks given the percentage of kids that flop their way through college.
Somewhere along the way, it became something the poor kids did to go to CC, and the trades are suffering as a result. Not every kid is meant for college, and the bullshit Spock movement that kids are special snowflakes with feelings and should be listened to needs to die.
10 years ago I know a credit hour at our local CC was something crazy like 75/per, and university at a state school was per credit hour was 650.