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Quoted By: >>5495961
>My name Pajeet Rinjahadar
>I grew up in the vibrant city of Calcutta with my white Desi family.
>Every single day, when I ride my sacred cow over across the night market, I see these disgusting rotten black skin southern Indians that are screwing up MY gene pool with these disgusting black skinned shit stain boys.
>My family is extensively rich and well-off as my family has invested extensively in the latrine and loo industry. However, every single person that I see is going to the designated shitting street.
>Mfw I secretly want to shit in open air
>Actually had a lot of based green text stories that have conversed over a classic breeze of the diesel field air of the street nearby passing into the catacombs of my rectum as I would shit openly on the street.
>I've laughed and cried over a log escaping me colon.
>My arranged marriage is coming soon and my wife still does not know that Instead of smoke breaks, I drink pure USP Mineral Oil so I can shit outside and talk with my best friend Lahore on a pungently magnificent street.
>It feels so good.jpeg
>Everyday I get addicted to the sound of my ass blasting open like the floodgates of Noah's Ark and even sometimes If I'm erect I save "specimens" of goop underneath my fingernails so I can then sniff them once I come into my call centre cubicle.
>So how do I break it to my wife anons?
>I grew up in the vibrant city of Calcutta with my white Desi family.
>Every single day, when I ride my sacred cow over across the night market, I see these disgusting rotten black skin southern Indians that are screwing up MY gene pool with these disgusting black skinned shit stain boys.
>My family is extensively rich and well-off as my family has invested extensively in the latrine and loo industry. However, every single person that I see is going to the designated shitting street.
>Mfw I secretly want to shit in open air
>Actually had a lot of based green text stories that have conversed over a classic breeze of the diesel field air of the street nearby passing into the catacombs of my rectum as I would shit openly on the street.
>I've laughed and cried over a log escaping me colon.
>My arranged marriage is coming soon and my wife still does not know that Instead of smoke breaks, I drink pure USP Mineral Oil so I can shit outside and talk with my best friend Lahore on a pungently magnificent street.
>It feels so good.jpeg
>Everyday I get addicted to the sound of my ass blasting open like the floodgates of Noah's Ark and even sometimes If I'm erect I save "specimens" of goop underneath my fingernails so I can then sniff them once I come into my call centre cubicle.
>So how do I break it to my wife anons?