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No.5501522 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why haven't you started reading into gnosticism yet /pol/? Its literally the true patrician's interpretation of christianity. Completely uncucked by judaism, goes so far as to say the jewish god is a malignant lower god of the material that we must seek to free ourselves from. Encourages gnosis, the acquisition of knowledge to free oneself from the material. It also has many concepts that explain the behavior of the jews and their mindslaves.

The god the jews serve, which has been called by many names by many different cultures, but that they refer to at YHWH, is the demiurge that the gnostics refer to. You can see that jews are very materially driven people that seek control here and now in the material. Most jewish subversion also focuses on making sure the goyim are preoccupied with the material and see the spiritual as absurd. The families such as the rothschilds are unironic followers of the demiurge and his emanations the archons. But judaic thinking in general also serves these interests. The mark of the archons is INVERSION. These people are incapable of creation, they can only invert what already exists. This can be seen in almost all subversion that has led to modern society. A couple of examples are how government operates and the relationship between males and females. Optimal, natural and efficient governance arises from individual -> family -> community ->->-> nation. When we look at how nations are run now we see that there is no concern for the individuals that make up the nation. They are seen as interchangeable cogs. Evidence of this is the clear disregard of the current leaders in the demographic replacement of their native peoples. Modern western nations do not serve the people who constitute them, the people who constitute them exist to keep the nation machine running. In the case of the roles of the male and female, we see feminist bulldykes, women trying to be masculine, and soft basedboys and trannies, men trying to feminine. Continuing...