The three people I have known personally with native ancestry were a Banker, a social worker, and an IT guy. All three have a good work ethic and put in a good amount of work.
Live near a wealthy suburban reserve and generally there is problems with drugs and broken homes. The reserve also leases out some land and I've worked at places on Native land and the little 10 year old Native kids shit can get away with murder and know it.
Generally my experiences with them have been mostly positive. Obviously hearing the occasional story about the self-inflicted problems of reserves that do nothing but leech off the system like Attawapiskat make me mad, they do cause their own issues to a good extent. Natives also do have a legitimate case to make that their lives would have gone better if white people didn't fuck them over so hard.
I really get salty when niggers try to act like they're oppressed too when all Canada does for niggers is give them opportunity, free money, and foreign aid. I wonder if the SJWs will ever succeed into brainwashing Canadians into thinking a country famous for freeing blacks from slavery into thinking we oppress black people. Probably I guess, Canadians are fucking stupid self-flagellating bleeding hearts.