>>5508653"Oh yeah right the same guy that gets lambasted by the entire worlds media is their laptog"
Not entire... and also from the start he was promoted by media as anti-estabilishment guy, someone who is different than anybody else.... sounds like a perfect marketing campaign to me... esspecially since anti-estabilishment figure was so desiererd by the masses...
People in US are tierd of constant blue-red puppets, so here is a hero, an "INDEPENDENT" competent buisnessman who is not like anybody else before him..
right.. are you really that low IQ?
He say one thing, but now while in power, he continues the same destabilizing agenda in middle-east, and now he doing suicidal for US Economy - isolationism. ..
>>The same guy who goes after their child trafficking networks sure is their best friend.Source please? where did you take this shit from? + Israeli police also going against human-trafficers in Israel, when things get too loud about those trafficers in media.... so?