[9 / 3 / ?]
why did i have to be born in what is perhaps one of the most boring chapters in human history ?
>born too late to witness the rise of the first civilisations the invention of writing ancient Egypt Alexander the great's rise to power the rise or fall of the roman empire Jesus Muhammad or budas arrival the crusades the black plague the discovery of the new world the Renascence the age of enlightenment the american wars of independence the french revolution the industrial revolution the nepolienic wars the war of 1812 the american civil war the unification of Germany the invention of the radio the invention of the telephone the boar wars world war 1 the Russian civil war the invention of television the invention of the computer world war 2 the cold war the invention of the internet
>born too early too witness world war 3 the technological singularity the machine uprising the exploration of space the colonisation of other planets the first contact with aliens
>born just in time to witness a few shitty civil wars people moaning that you do not call them by their fake gender basedboys bronies furries otherkin politicians posting on twitter about how much they are going to bomb the shit out of each other
fucking kill me
>born too late to witness the rise of the first civilisations the invention of writing ancient Egypt Alexander the great's rise to power the rise or fall of the roman empire Jesus Muhammad or budas arrival the crusades the black plague the discovery of the new world the Renascence the age of enlightenment the american wars of independence the french revolution the industrial revolution the nepolienic wars the war of 1812 the american civil war the unification of Germany the invention of the radio the invention of the telephone the boar wars world war 1 the Russian civil war the invention of television the invention of the computer world war 2 the cold war the invention of the internet
>born too early too witness world war 3 the technological singularity the machine uprising the exploration of space the colonisation of other planets the first contact with aliens
>born just in time to witness a few shitty civil wars people moaning that you do not call them by their fake gender basedboys bronies furries otherkin politicians posting on twitter about how much they are going to bomb the shit out of each other
fucking kill me