>>556015>Hurr, you can trust (((the media)))Here's the story so far, good luck keeping up:
Anonymous sources close to the Trump Administration have been telling major media outlets that they are close to the Trump Administration but wish to remain Anonymous. The sources tell Journalists that sources in the FBI are telling Journalists that they are "in the know" about investigations of the Trump Administration that anonymous sources in the Administration are telling Journalists they are in the know about. One knowledgeable source familiar with other knowledgeable sources told reporters close to sources in the know about the Trump Administration that reporters had sources within the FBI close to investigations into sources in the know about the Trump Administration. The source asked not to be named for fear that his mother might find out that he had used her phone to make a long distance call, whereupon she might force him to get a job again. Sources familiar with sources in the Oval Office say the Office sources are anonymous but are in the know about conflicts within the Trump Administration. The sources say that sources close to Steve Bannon tell sources close to Reince Preibus that Preibus is now on the outs with Bannon who in turn, is on the outs with Trump according to anonymous sources close to Trump who wishes to remain anonymous but can't because he's President of the United States.
Part 2 in next post