>>5601465>BLACKS are physically far superior to wh*Tesonly if whites don't lift weights and literally do nothing to develope their physique.. in all other cases whites leave niggers far behind on physical scale
>Asians are intellectually far superior to wh*Tesohh yeah?? that must be the reason why asians literally haven't invented anything and all they can do is copy white people's inventions. plus asians can't drive. just like niggers lol.
also just to add to my arguments.. all niggers if any who are physically strong are not the niggers who live in africa.. but the niggers who live in white countries who have white men's technology, medicine and politics at their disposal.. and even in this case still niggers can't compete with whites on any real physical scale.
literally all champs are at least 50% white like brazilians, which literally means that without white blood\genes niggers are nothing
and yeah.. all chess champs are white with the exception of one indian guy who is literally half white, looks like regular spanish guy
so.. it seems you are wrong tyrone. again. what are you gonna do now? go apeshit and chimpout your anger with more fantasies? lol
also if white men were really up to it.. everyone but whites would be dead in three months at the most.
too bad white elites are too crafty and rule this world in some surrealistic manner where even the whites can't do anything about it. other races simply accept whatever the white elite gives them
do you realize tyrone, that your life is literally at the will of the white elites? it's hopeless for you in any scenario