>>564975Now here's where this gets tricky, so s-s-stick with me... mmmk?!
While the gov't has worked tirelessly to proactively masculate women, they've equally worked to emasculate men. They've successfully blurred the lines between traditional men/women's roles, which they very purposefully, intended to do. Today, women are now expected to work outside of the home, while men are expected to contribute more inside the home. Because of these blurred, unnatural expectations, the things that inherently make us feel fulfilled, accomplished and successful, as men and women, don't anymore. The completion of jobs, tasks and roles, fulfill our human needs for validation and success. We need to feel validated to feel like we're doing life right, as a productive, contributing member of society.
A man feels no more inherently accomplished, successful or validated, as "a man", by vacuuming the living room or cleaning a toilet, than a woman would feel about herself after taking out the trash, cleaning out a gutter or edging out beds/laying new mulch in the spring... and guess what?!? THAT'S FUCKING OK!!!!
What MEN do need to understand is that just as women have been bent over and fucked by the system that rapes them for profits, so have they. It's one of the few things men and women, could consider themselves equals on. As women's expectations of roles and responsibilities have changed and INCREASED, the expectations of men's roles and responsibilities, have equally DECREASED. Regardless of which pair or rose colored glasses you'd like to view the decimation of our familial society through, the fact remains that as women increasingly meet and exceed these expectations, men increasingly fail. That's the goal. If you emasculate men for long enough, you'll invalidate the need for them. If you invalidate the need, you erraticate the positive co-dependencies, that men and women mutually recognized, values, appreciated and respected about eachother.