Niggers destroyed USA's culture
it used to be like this: it's all about the nig's revenge. In my experience if you just tell that to liberals they will change their mind almost entirely, specially if you use South Africa as an example.
I went from my co-worker thinking that anyone who doesn't like blacks to be sent to the moon to him thinking we need a white ethnostate for the sake of tolerance and equality.
Also, Japanese are the Master Race, they make video games so the White man can get high and play them. But they didn't get there in one day, Japanese earned the title of Master Race. Anyone can do it, Germans even did it one day for a little while. I just think whites are still trying to get blacks to be like us.
Blacks need to do it on their own. If they really want to have stuff like us they will finally see that they need to work hard to succeed if they are returned to Africa.
but if not who cares lol