>>567678i reject the label racist wholeheartedly as a meaningless pejorative. That said, i know a great many who would and, indeed, who do apply it to me.
What i do is recognise the irreconcilable differences between the different races and their fundamental rooting in biology. The average IQ of sub saharan black africans is 68 and this is based on numerous corroborative studies. How can a people of whom less than 1% are of average white intelligence ever hope to properly integrate? It goes well beyond this into areas of impupse control, propensity to commit crime and single parenthood. The fact is that Africans are simply incompatible with western society.
One only has to look at the relative integration of the irish and italian catholic societies, which have been here a much shorter time, with the black communities.
This is not to say i despise them for simply being africans or wish them any ill will. Quite the contrary, i wish all the best for africa in the hopes that one day they elevate themselves to a level at which they can be more than what they are today.
>>567702It is the liberals' favourite argument or, rather, it is actually the mainstream conservatives' favourite argument to point to this minority of american blacks and suggest that because they can be white presenting and function relatively well in society that all blacks can potentially emulate this if they are only given the chance. Im sure it goes without saying that this is a textbook fallacy. The simply fact us that on a macrosocioeconomic scale blacks simply cannot compete with the other races.
I do not say this out of malice, rather, it is borne out of empirical evidence. Evidence which is, i might add, insurmountable and of which there is none to the contrary.
Even if we did take only the, lets say, 5% of white presenting blacks and had them integrate acceptably then where does that leave black communities? Are we to take their brightest denying them any societal advancement?