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ID:ENqiW5Yx No.568507 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What has 4chan (more specifically /int/, /pol/, /sp/ and I guess /bant/ now) "taught" (using that word very loosely here) you about your country?
What do you think of the other posters from your country?
What do you think of 4chan's attitude/stereotypes about your country?

I'll start:
>the Irish posters on /int/ almost make me ashamed to be Irish. all they do is lewdpost and doxx each other
>the amount of thinly veiled hate masquerading as "banter" towards us on /pol/ (and /pol/acks on /his/ sometimes) is one of the reasons I hate that board. like you could post anything, even some racist shit they'd agree with, and all you get is LE FAMINE XDDDD or CROMWELL XDD
>last but not least, the /sp/ meme that we don't like thicc women is complete rubbish