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School Stories

ID:fBH/Hses No.5692198 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
(Posting this here because I fucked up earlier and posted this on /b/)

>Be me
>2-3 months ago
>14 at the time
>Have this project in health class where we have to go over certain aspects of health
>It's one of those projects where If one person slacks then the whole group suffers
>Day of group picking comes
>Teacher has bag of different colored markers used to pick groups
>Really annoying kid in our class goes first (lets call him B)
>B gets orange
>My turn comes
>Praying my ass off hoping that I don't get orange
>Get orange
>Get paired up with two other group members that are pretty chill
>Start working on project
>Decide to do addictions as our main topic
>My sub topic is technology
>Other two group members get drugs and the effects on teens and adults
>B gets pornography (laughs his ass off about it when he does)
>Fast forward about a week
>Finishing up our slides project and moving on to the video segment
>Meet up after school
>Have everything planned out
>I do my part and my other group mates do theirs
>B has to be in the video representing pornography
>Think that it would be funny if he pretends masturbate during the video (note that he was not naked)
>Record the clip
>Show everyone and laugh about it
>Put the video together
>Even with the masturbation clip in everyone decides that it's gonna be fine
>Day of presentation comes
>Presentation goes well
>B gets to his slides
>Find out that he changed everything at the last second
>Getting facts wrong and everything
>At this point I realize that we're fucked because of the video
>Teacher already looking disappointed
>Video time comes
>Click on link
