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No.5694174 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's was mostly spammed by the same asian males from asianmasculintiy, aznidentity and other retarded shit


They blame white dudes and had hate and jealousy for asian chicks dating or with white dudes and wanted to see it marginalized, because the virgin and loser asian men on internet seeing white males as cuckolds losers for niggers and men of all other races in american mainstream commercials, media, movies, porn industry, propaganda

Hated to see asian women with white males, they wanted to see asian women hating white men, boycott this, wanted to see asian men with white women, and they started to create memes and spam the same cuckold porn over and over agian, same webms, same things taking advantage that white males are boring cuckold loser men from american loser porn industry, movies, media, everything who always was around the racial worshiping of white women and anti-white male racial trashing because of the political strategy of democrats

Then have also true white cuckolds who are result of years of american propaganda, porn industry, media, promoting the white male as demonized,loser cuckold pet of white women, promoting white women above women of all other races, promote the white men as undesired and loser cuckold male forced to be with white women,promote the nigger as the dominant and real male, desired men with the white woman and the nigger,make the white male live only to promote the white women, ridicularize and lower them

White males don't have cuckold media demoralization against men of other race,are losers of democrats porn,media

White males are non-treatening, non-dominant, cuckolds,self-hating, boring, neutral, sexless, jokes, related to shit, evil, villains, losers, they take advantage of everything produced in USA for years from mainstream media, porn

white male with white woman, black with black, asian with asian, means nothing but white men were promoted as loser men cuck race